Persian Watered Steel Dagger, A Magnificent Wootz Steel Blade With Carved Walrus Ivory Handle Dagger, Signed By (عمل كمترين محمد علي) The Work Of The Master Mohamed Ali, Persia, Dated ربيع الاول سنه ( ١٢٥٤) 1245 AH. = 1838 AD.
Ottoman Yataghan With Sheath, A Fine Carved Walrus Ivory-Hilted Single-edged Steel Blade Yataghan, With Gold And Silver Damascene, Probably Prizren, Kosovo, Dated 1210 AH. = 1795 AD.
Indian Arms And Armour, An Extremely Rare Mughal Or Deccani Carved Ivory Handle And Sheath With Gilt Silver Mounts, Probably North Or Central India, Circa 17th-18th Century.
Islamic Arms And Armour, A Magnificent And Very Important Wootz Steel Blade With Carved Walrus Ivory Handle And Sheath With Fine Gilt Silver And Gold Mounts Dagger, And Inlaid with Gold and Coloured Lac Decorations, Turkey, Circa 1650- 1680 AD.
Malay Islamic Kris Dagger, A Fine Stylized Steel Blade With Carved Horn Hilt, The Hilt And Wooden Scabbard are Decorated With Islamic Prayers, The Malay Sub-continent, Probably Sumatra, Indonesia, Circa 19th Century.