Dutch Colonial, A Fine Batavian Tortoiseshell Betel Box Or (Sirih) Casket With Silver Mounts, Batavia (Jakarta), (Dutch East Indies) Indonesia, Circa -1759-1800 AD.
Antique Islamic Furniture, A Rare Ottoman Mother Of Pearl, Horn and Bone Inlaid Table Cabinet, The Ottoman Provinces Probably Egypt Or Turkey, 19th Century.
Dutch Colonial Tortoiseshell Casket, A Very Fine Ceylonese Tortoiseshell Betel Casket with Silver Mounts, Galle District, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), late 18th Early 19Th Century.
Dutch Colonial Bible Box, A Rare Ceylonese Tortoiseshell Book Shaped Bible Box With Silver Mounts, Galle District, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 18TH-19TH Century
Islamic Art, A Pair Of Unusual Ottoman Ivory, Mother Of Pearl And Horn Overlaid On Wood Double Shelved Turban Stands (Cavukluk), Probably Egypt Or Turkey Circa Late 18th Early 19th Century.
Islamic Furniture for Reading, A Fine Ottoman Rosewood, Mother of Pearl, Tortoiseshell, Horn, Ebony and Thin Sliced Ivory Pieces, Overlaid on Wood Quran Stand (Kursi), Turkey, 18th. Century.
Islamic Art Related to Calligraphy, An Extremely Rare & Fine Ottoman Mother of Pearl, Tortoiseshell, Bone, Lead, Ebony, Thin Sliced & Stained Pieces of Ivory, Overlaid on Wood Scribe’s Pen Box & Archival Documents Container, Turkey, Circa 1700s. AD.
Ottoman Furniture, An Extremely Rare And Complete Ottoman Mother of Pearl, Tortoiseshell, Ivory And Ebony Overlaid On Wood Calligrapher (Khattat) Box, With Silver Mounts, Lock & Key, Probably Istanbul, Turkey, Dated 1171 AH-1757 AD.
Ottoman Spoon, An Extremely Rare and Important Ottoman Tortoiseshell Fruit Sherbet Spoon, Turkey late 18th early 19th century.
A Rare Hispano-Colonial, (Probably Mexican) Tortoiseshell and Silver Casket, Late 16th. Early 17th. Century.