
  • A Qajar Dynasty Pair of Damascened Steel with Gold & Silver overlay Two-Humped Back Camels, Persia, 19th Century

  • Persian Watered Steel Dagger, A Magnificent Wootz Steel Blade With Carved Walrus Ivory Handle Dagger, Signed By (عمل كمترين محمد علي) The Work Of The Master Mohamed Ali, Persia, Dated ربيع الاول سنه ( ١٢٥٤) 1245 AH. = 1838 AD.

    Persian Arms & Armour, Watered Steel Blade with Carved Walrus Hilt, Dated ربيع الاول سنه ( ١٢٥٤ ) 1245 AH. = 1838 AD.

  • A Zand Dynasty Asadullah Sword (Shamshir)

    Asadullah Sword (Shamshir)عمل أسد الله, the Zand Dynasty, Isfahan-Persia, Dated ١٨١, 1181 AH. (1767 AD).

  • Ottoman Yataghan With Sheath, A Fine Carved Walrus Ivory-Hilted Single-edged Steel Blade Yataghan, With Gold And Silver Damascene, Probably Prizren, Kosovo, Dated 1210 AH. = 1795 AD.

  • Caucasian Arms And Armour, A Caucasian Gun Powder Flask, A Very Fine Nielloed Silver Gun Powder (Priming) Flask Decorated With Beautifully Arabesque Designs, Probably Dagestan, Kubachi, 19th Century.

  • Indian Arms And Armour, A Beautiful and Important Parcel-Gilt Silver And Steel Elephant Head Shaped Axe (Bhuj-Kutti or Mujwali), North West-India And The Rajputs, Circa 18th -19th Century.

  • A Very Fine Qajar Engraved, Gold and Silver Damascened Steel Ewer (Aftabah) and Basin or Lagan Set, Iran, 19th Century.

  • Ottoman Art, A Fine Ottoman Silver, Iron, White Metal and Coral Gun Powder Flask, 18th -19th Century.

  • Indian Arms And Armour, A Fine Indian Steel and Brass Elephant Goad (Ankus), Tanjore, 19th. Century.
