Parcel Gilt Silver

  • A Rare Armenian Parcel-Gilt and Enamelled Silver Incense Container Ottoman Empire and Armenia, Circa 18th Century

  • Ottoman Parcel Gilt-Silver Thread Embroidered Leather Wallet with Baroque-Style Design and Royal French Connections

  • An Important Large, Heavy Nielloed, Enamelled and Parcel-Gilt Silver Caucasian Footed Jewellery Casket, Dagestan-The Republic of Russia, or Kokand-Uzbekistan, Circa 19th. Century.

  • Indo-Portuguese Egg-Shaped Parcel-Gilt Filigree Silver Bezoar Stone Container, With A Matching Tripod Stand, Probably Goa or Karimnagar-India, Circa 17th. Century.

  • Antique Indian Silver, A Rare Pair of Parcel-Gilt Casted and Chased Silver Aquamanile Style Scent or Liquid Containers In the Form of Seated Lions, Probably The Deccan in Central India, circa 18th-19th. Century.

  • A Small Portable Gilt & Enamelled Silver Water-Pipe (Huqqah) Base, Upper Pradesh, Lucknow-India, 18th. Century.

  • An Ottoman Parcel-Gilt Silver Gun Powder Flask Holder Mounted with Fine Filigree Silver Work Encrusted With Corals & Turquoise Stones, The Balkans, Probably Prizren-Kosovo or Trebizond, Kosovo, Late 18th. – Early 19th.Century.

  • Chinese Export Silver For The Thai Market, An Exceptionally Fine Repousse Silver-Gilt Rectangular Shaped Document Casket With Lock & Twisted Handle On Top Probably Was Commissioned During the Rayne of King Rama V, Marked (Guang Zhen), China 19TH. Century.

  • An important & Early Large Ottoman Parcel-Gilt Silver Scribe’s Pen-Box And Ink-well (Divit),(مقلمة مع محبرة فضة عثمانية),Marked In Arabic Letters With The Tugrah OF Sultan Mustafa II(1106/1695-1115AH/1703AD.)&With The Makers Name Rumi (رومي ),Late17th C.

  • Mughal Silver, A Close Pair Of Mughal Parcel-Gilt Silver Holi Sprinklers (Pichkari), Probably Rajasthan, India, 18th.- First half of 19th. Century.

  • Nakhon Nielloware, A Rare Engraved, Nielloed And Gilt Cylindrical Shaped Kettle (Kar Nam Ton), Probably Nakhon Si Thammarat Or Krung Tom, Thailand, Circa 1850s AD.

  • Thai Gold Nielloware, A Rare Engraved, Nielloed And Gilt Round Shaped Kettle (Kar Nam Ton), Probably Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand, Circa 1870s AD.

  • Malay Jewellery, An Exceptionally Rare Silver-Gilt Pendent Or Amulet Holder and Container Encrusted With Diamonds (Intan), Central Java, Indonesia, Circa 18th – 19th Century.

    Royal Malay jewellery, Silver-Gilt Amulet Holder & Container Encrusted With Diamonds (Intan), Central Java, Indonesia, c. 18th-19th Century.

  • Indian Arms And Armour, An Extremely Rare Mughal Or Deccani Carved Ivory Handle And Sheath With Gilt Silver Mounts, Probably North Or Central India, Circa 17th-18th Century.

  • Indian Silver, A Rare And Important Royal Tanjouri Dowry Or Jewellery Box Decorated With Various Hindu Scenes The Lid Is Inscribed With The Spiritual Symbol Of Aum Or Om (ॐ), Tanjour, Southern India, 19th Century.

  • Islamic Art, A Very Fine Pair Of Heavy Enamelled And Silver-Gilt Anklets (Khelkhals), Probably Fez Or Meknes Or Oran, Morocco Or Algeria, 18th-19th Century.

  • Moroccan Art, A Rare Moroccan Silk And Gold Thread Belt (Hezam) With Engraved Silver Mounts and Silk Tassels For Holding A Moroccan Nimcha Sword, North of Morocco, Probably 18th- 19th Century.

  • An Exceptionally Rare And Important Dutch-Colonial Filigree Silver And Silver-Gilt Casket, Probably Batavia (Jakarta), Indonesia, Circa 1700 AD, (Batavian Silver).

    Dutch Colonial Art From Batavia, c. 1700s AD.

  • An Indo-Portuguese Pierced & Enamelled Parcel-Gilt Silver Snuff Box, Probably Gujarat or Goa, India, Circa 17th Century.

    Indo-Portuguese Finely Pierced & Enamelled Parcel-Gilt Silver Snuff Box, Probably Gujarat or Goa, India, c. 17th. Century.

  • Indian Colonial Silver, An Exceptionally High Quality Complete Hookah (Waterpipe) Set, Made By Lattey Brothers & Co, Calcutta-India, Circa 1842-1855.

  • Antique Indian Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Parcel-Gilt Filigree Silver Spittoon (Peekdaan or Thookadaan), Hyderabad or Karimnagar, Deccan Sultanate, India, Circa 1700.

    Deccani Filigree Silver Spittoon, Probably Karimnagar C. 1700s AD.