
  • A Silk & Silver-Thread Brocaded Leather Belt With 14 Compartments For Gunpowder Charges (Barutluk) or (Gazri) (حافظة بارود), The Ottoman Empire, Probably Turkey, Circa 18th. Century.

  • A Pair of Articulated Pierced Brass Peacock shaped Incense Burners, The Qajar Dynasty Isfahan-Iran, Circa 1870-1880 AD.

  • A Rare Ottoman Cylindrical Paper Mache Scribe’s Pen-Box (Kubur) With Silver Plated Brass Ink-well(مقلمة مع محبرة عثمانية من الورق السميك مغطى بالصدف ),Veneered With Rhombus Shaped Mother of Pearl,The Ottoman Provinces,Istanbul & Jerusalem,Late18th.Century

    The Arts of Islamic Calligraphy, Ottoman Cylindrical Paper Mache Scribe’s Pen-Box (Kubur) Mounted with Mother of Pearl, Probably Jerusalem, c. 18th. Century.

  • Central Asian Art, A Rare Large Engraved Brass Aquamanile Ewer (Oftaba) With Curved Dragon- Like Handle, Probably Bukhara Or Kokand, Uzbekistan, Late 18th- Early 19th. Century.

  • Central Asian Ewer, A Monumental Engraved Brass Aquamanile Ewer (Oftaba) Encrusted With Turquoise Stones The Base Is Held By Mythical Creatures With Duck Heads, Made By The Master Mirza Baig (أستاذ ميرزا بيك) Dated 1197 AH 1782 AD Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

    Arts of Central-Asia, Monumental Turquoise Stone Encrusted Ewer (Aftaba), Dated 1197 AH 1782 AD.

  • 18th-Century Mughal Cast Bronze Ewer (Aftaba)

  • Deccani Brass Ewer (Aftaba), Circa 16th Century

    Deccani Ewer, India c. 16th. Century.

  • Qajar Dynasty Brass, A Fine Engraved & Silver Overlaid On Brass Mughal Style Ewer, Decorated With Courtly & Beautiful Mirror Style Hunting Scenes With Animals Amongst Vegetal & Floral Designs, Probably Isfahan Or Kubachi, Iran Or Daghestan, 19th. Century.

  • Veneto-Saracenic, A Rare & Finley Engraved Gold & Silver Overlaid Brass Bowl Decorated With Stylised Arabic Calligraphy, Various Arabesque Designs & A European Jousting Shield, Probably Mamluk-Syria & Italy, Circa 15th. Century.

  • A Zand Or Early Qajar Dynasty Pair Of Finely Engraved Brass Torch Stands (Mash’al), Probably Shiraz Or Isfahan, Iran, Circa 18th – Early 19th Century.

  • A Magnificent Early Qajar Dynasty Finely Engraved Brass Water Ewer Pitcher And Basin (Aftabeh), Attributed To The Persian Metal Master Baqir Hakkak, Probably Isfahan, Iran, Circa 1800-1850 AD.

  • A Finely Engraved Deccani Bronze Ewer (Aftaba), The Handle Terminals are Sculptured with A Tigre & typical Deccani Style Makara Heads, Probably the Deccan-Central India, Circa 1700.

  • A Rare Safavid Engraved Bronze Ewer Inlaid With Black And Red Lac, Iran, Circa 17th Century.

  • Persian Art, A Rare Qajar Engraved Brass Russian Samovar, With A Qajar Engraved Brass Beaker and A Russian Gardner Porcelain Tea Pot, Russia & Iran, Circa 19th Century.

  • Islamic Art From China, A Sino-Islamic Cloisonne Enamel Gilt Metal Vase and Flag, Qing period, China, late 19th early 20th Century.

  • Islamic Art From China, A Sino-Islamic Cloisonne Enamel Gilt Brass Lidded Censer, Qing period, China, late 19th early 20th Century.

  • Japanese Art for the Islamic Market, A Very Unusual Cloisonné-Enamel Huqqa Base And Top, Japan 19 Century
