Persia (Fars)

  • A Central Chest Armor Guard (Chahar Ayne), The Savaid Dynasty Period, Isfahan-Iran, Yerevan-Armenia & Dagestan.

  • A Qajar Dynasty Pair of Damascened Steel with Gold & Silver overlay Two-Humped Back Camels, Persia, 19th Century

  • Qajar Dynasty Tehran Moulded Underglaze Polychrome Painted Tile, Probably Tehran-The Persia, Circa 1870s AD.

  • A Large Repousse Silver Footed Basin, Attributed to The Shirazi Silversmith Master Mahmoud Shirazi (محمود شيرازي), Shiraz-Iran, Circa (1892) A.D.

  • A Pair of Articulated Pierced Brass Peacock shaped Incense Burners, The Qajar Dynasty Isfahan-Iran, Circa 1870-1880 AD.

  • A Large Pair of Qajar Dynasty Underglaze Polychrome Painted Fritware Pottery Vases, Attributed to The Workshop of Ali Mohammed Isfahani, Tehran, Persia, 1880s AD.

    Arts of Persia

  • (Tehran Moulded Tile), A Large Square Shaped Tile With Moulded Decoration, Depicting Royals on A Hunting Spree, Glazed Fritware, Tehran or Isfahan, The Qajar Dynasty Persia, 1880s AD.

  • A Rectangular Shaped Tile With Moulded Decoration, Depicting A Young Falconer on Horseback Hunting in The Forest, Glazed Fritware, Tehran or Isfahan, The Qajar Dynasty Persia, 1870s AD.

  • Kashkul (Beggar’s Bowl), A Fine Qajar Dynasty Coco-de-mer Shell Kashkul Densely Carved in Low Relief with Calligraphic Bands in Nasta’liq Script of Poetry, Provided with Silver Chain, Persia, Circa 19th. Century.

  • Zoroastrian Antiques, An Important (Parsi) Engraved Copper-Gilt Flattened Ewer With Half Moon (Crescent Shaped) Top Probably Used To Carry The Sacred Liquor (Haoma) Before The Sacred Fire At The Yasna Ritual, Bombay Or Zand Dynasty In Shiraz,India Or Iran

    Zoroastrian (Parsi) Art

  • Qajar Dynasty Brass, A Fine Engraved & Silver Overlaid On Brass Mughal Style Ewer, Decorated With Courtly & Beautiful Mirror Style Hunting Scenes With Animals Amongst Vegetal & Floral Designs, Probably Isfahan Or Kubachi, Iran Or Daghestan, 19th. Century.

  • Qajar Moulded Pottery Tile, A Decorative Set Of Two Qajar Underglaze Polychromed Rectangular Moulded Pottery Tiles, Depicting Two Royal Youth Couples On Horseback, Tehran, Persia, Middle of the 19th Century.

  • A Zand Or Early Qajar Dynasty Pair Of Finely Engraved Brass Torch Stands (Mash’al), Probably Shiraz Or Isfahan, Iran, Circa 18th – Early 19th Century.

  • A Magnificent Early Qajar Dynasty Finely Engraved Brass Water Ewer Pitcher And Basin (Aftabeh), Attributed To The Persian Metal Master Baqir Hakkak, Probably Isfahan, Iran, Circa 1800-1850 AD.

  • Persian Watered Steel Dagger, A Magnificent Wootz Steel Blade With Carved Walrus Ivory Handle Dagger, Signed By (عمل كمترين محمد علي) The Work Of The Master Mohamed Ali, Persia, Dated ربيع الاول سنه ( ١٢٥٤) 1245 AH. = 1838 AD.

    Persian Arms & Armour, Watered Steel Blade with Carved Walrus Hilt, Dated ربيع الاول سنه ( ١٢٥٤ ) 1245 AH. = 1838 AD.

  • A Zand Dynasty Asadullah Sword (Shamshir)

    Asadullah Sword (Shamshir)عمل أسد الله, the Zand Dynasty, Isfahan-Persia, Dated ١٨١, 1181 AH. (1767 AD).

  • Islamic Arms And Armour, A Fine Carved Walrus Ivory-Hilted Single-edged Wootz Steel (Jawher) Blade With Gold Damascene Inlay Kard, Persia or Deccan-India, Circa 17th Century.

  • A Rare Safavid Engraved Bronze Ewer Inlaid With Black And Red Lac, Iran, Circa 17th Century.

  • Shirazi Silver, A Magnificent Zoroastrian (Parsi) Style Work Or Achaemenid and Sassanid Revival Large Repousse Silver Footed Basin, Made By The Shirazi Silver Master Mahmoud Shirazi (محمود شيرازي)، Shiraz-Iran Dated 1310 A.H. (1892) A.D.

  • Islamic Art, A Beautiful and Important Early Safavid Inscribed Carved Hardwood Beam Or Door Frame Fragment, Probably Mazanderan, North Iran, Dated 920 AH – 1514 AD.

  • An Extremely Rare Early Qajar Carved, Engraved, Inscribed and Polychromed Wooden Footed Donation Bowl (Kashkul), Probably Abada, Iran, 1800-1850 AD.

  • A Very Fine Qajar Engraved, Gold and Silver Damascened Steel Ewer (Aftabah) and Basin or Lagan Set, Iran, 19th Century.

  • Persian Art, A Magnificent Early Qajar Dynasty Pierced and Engraved Brass with fine silver inlay multipurpose Lantern, Attributed to the Persian Metal Master Baqir Hakkak, Probably Isfahan, Iran, Circa 1800-1850 AD.

  • Persian Art, A Rare Qajar Engraved Brass Russian Samovar, With A Qajar Engraved Brass Beaker and A Russian Gardner Porcelain Tea Pot, Russia & Iran, Circa 19th Century.

  • A Very Decorative Qajar Underglaze Polychromed Rectangular Moulded Pottery Tile, Depicting a Royal Hunting Scene, Tehran, Persia, Middle of the 19th Century.

  • An Extremely Decorative Pair of Qajar Underglaze Polychromed Rectangular Moulded Pottery Tiles, Depicting Two Youth Royal Couples, Tehran, Persia, Middle of the 19th Century.

  • A Very Important Zoroastrian or Parsi Repousse Silver Fire Vessel (Afringanyu) in the shape of a Trophy Cup 19th Century, Iran, made by the Master Mahmoud Al Shirazi.
