A Nasrid Dynasty or Post Nasrid Taracea or Tarsi (ترصيع) or inlad X Shaped Walnut Wooden Folding Hip Chair or (Sillas De Caderas), Probably Granada-Spain, Circa 16th-19th Century.
Islamic Textiles, A Fine Moroccan Embroidered Circular Decorative Element Of Gilt Silver-Thread Embroidered On Red, Purple And Green Silk Velvet Lined On Leather Grounds, Probably Fez Or Rabat, Morocco, Circa 19th Century.
Islamic Art, A Very Fine Pair Of Heavy Enamelled And Silver-Gilt Anklets (Khelkhals), Probably Fez Or Meknes Or Oran, Morocco Or Algeria, 18th-19th Century.
Moroccan Art, A Rare Moroccan Silk And Gold Thread Belt (Hezam) With Engraved Silver Mounts and Silk Tassels For Holding A Moroccan Nimcha Sword, North of Morocco, Probably 18th- 19th Century.
Hispano-Moresque Pottery, A Rare Four Hispano-Moresque Cuenca, or Zellige (Azulejo) Wall Pottery Tile Panel, Seville or Toledo, Spain or Morocco, 15th 16th Century.