India & Sindh

  • A Fine Small Indo-Portuguese Inlaid Wooden Table Cabinet

  • A Set of Three Finely Carved Gilt, Polychromed & Lacquered Hindu Wooden Temple Sculptures depicting Winged Female Angels Holding Butterballs, the Back is Fitted with Iron Hooks, Goa or South India, Circa 1800s AD.

  • A Large Finely Carved Wooden Processional Sculpture Depicting a Standing Lion, Probably The Deccani Sultanates, Golconda or Bijapur -India, circa 17th. Century.

  • Indo-Portuguese Egg-Shaped Parcel-Gilt Filigree Silver Bezoar Stone Container, With A Matching Tripod Stand, Probably Goa or Karimnagar-India, Circa 17th. Century.

  • Antique Indian Silver, A Rare Pair of Parcel-Gilt Casted and Chased Silver Aquamanile Style Scent or Liquid Containers In the Form of Seated Lions, Probably The Deccan in Central India, circa 18th-19th. Century.

  • A Small Portable Gilt & Enamelled Silver Water-Pipe (Huqqah) Base, Upper Pradesh, Lucknow-India, 18th. Century.

  • A Large Square Shaped Multan Pottery Tile, Underglaze Painted in White on Cobalt Blue and Turquoise, Multan-Punjab, Sindh, Currently Pakistan, Circa 19th. Century.

  • Zoroastrian Antiques, An Important (Parsi) Engraved Copper-Gilt Flattened Ewer With Half Moon (Crescent Shaped) Top Probably Used To Carry The Sacred Liquor (Haoma) Before The Sacred Fire At The Yasna Ritual, Bombay Or Zand Dynasty In Shiraz,India Or Iran

    Zoroastrian (Parsi) Art

  • 18th-Century Mughal Cast Bronze Ewer (Aftaba)

  • Deccani Brass Ewer (Aftaba), Circa 16th Century

    Deccani Ewer, India c. 16th. Century.

  • Mughal Paintings, A Set Of Two Mughal Miniature Paintings On Paper Depicting Noble Ladies With Attendants Seated In A Kiosk With A Fountain Feature, The Other The Ladies Are Watching The Monkeys Playing On The Tree, The Northern Mughal Capitals, India,18c

  • Indian Silver, A Very Fine Huqqah Base Decorated With Palmettes and Vine Amongst Leaves, Probably Calcutta (Kolkata) Or Madras, East-India, 19th Century.

  • Deccani Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Complete Set Of Filigree Silver Inkwell, Ink Pigment Spoon And Pen-case (Qalamdan), Probably Karimnagar Or Hyderabad, Central India And The Deccan, India, 18th.-First half of 19th. Century.

  • Mughal Silver, A Close Pair Of Mughal Parcel-Gilt Silver Holi Sprinklers (Pichkari), Probably Rajasthan, India, 18th.- First half of 19th. Century.

  • Indian Colonial Silver, A Fine Repoussed And Engraved Kutch (Cutch) Silver Mounted English Manganese Glass Jug Marked OM (Oomersi Mawji) Bhuj, Kutch-Gujarat, India Circa 1880.

  • Indian Colonial Silver, An Exceptionally Rare, Finely Chased And Engraved Indian Silver Stirrup Fox Head Cup Marked On The Rim With Hamilton & Co., Calcutta, India, Circa 1850-60.

  • A Finely Engraved Deccani Bronze Ewer (Aftaba), The Handle Terminals are Sculptured with A Tigre & typical Deccani Style Makara Heads, Probably the Deccan-Central India, Circa 1700.

  • Antique Burmese Silver, A Magnificent Repousse Silver Lotta Shaped Bowl Decorated With A Combination Of Mainly Burmese & Indian Scenes, Probably Made With The Collaboration Of Masters From Both Rangoon-Burma & Poone-India, Circa 1900s AD.

  • Indian Arms And Armour, An Extremely Rare Mughal Or Deccani Carved Ivory Handle And Sheath With Gilt Silver Mounts, Probably North Or Central India, Circa 17th-18th Century.

  • Indian Art, Antique Indian Sadeli Casket, A Rare Veneered Wooden Casket Decorated With Carved Ivory Panels Depicting Hindu Scenes From The Epic Of The Ramayana, Silver Hinges, Lock And Keys, Bombay, India, Circa 1867.

  • Bidriware, A Magnificent Zinc Alloy Inlaid With Silver & Brass Bidri Ware Presentation Tray (Thali), Bidar, Deccan, Central-India, Circa 17th Century.

  • Bidriware, A Rare Zinc Alloy Inlaid With Silver Mango-Shaped Portable Hookah Bidri Ware, Bidar, Deccan, Central-India, Circa 18th Century.

  • Antique Indian Silver, An Important Historical Silver Scroll Container & A Royal Gift That Was Probably Presented To The Late Ruler Or The 6th Nizam Of Hyderabad (Asaf Jah VI Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Siddiqi) On The Occasion Of His Fortieth Birthday, Hyderabad, India

    Royal Gift for The Nizam’s Fortieth Birthday (Asaf Jah VI Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Siddiqi), Dated 1905 AD. Hyderabad-India.

  • Indian Silver, A Fine Silver Jewel Casket (Zewar Ka Sanducqcha Or Sotavali Peti), Decorated With Probably Later Various Silver Hyderabad Coins, The Kingdom of Hyderabad, A Formal Princely State In India, The Box Was Probably Made In The 18th Early 19th Ce

  • Indian Silver, A Very Large Articulated Silver Fish (Matsya), And Container (Macchli Ka Sindurdan), Eastern India And The Bay Of Bengal, 19th Century.

  • Indian Silver, A Rare And Important Royal Tanjouri Dowry Or Jewellery Box Decorated With Various Hindu Scenes The Lid Is Inscribed With The Spiritual Symbol Of Aum Or Om (ॐ), Tanjour, Southern India, 19th Century.

  • Indo-Portuguese Cabinet, An Indo-Portuguese Inlaid Table Cabinet, Gujarat Or Sindh, India, Late 17th Early 18th Century.

  • Oomersi Mawji, A Fine Large Kutch Repousse Silver (Cutch Silver) Lidded Ewer Decorated With Snake Handle, Attributed To The Kutch Silver Master Mr Oomersi Mawji Of Bhuj, Kutch, India, Second Half Of The 19th. Century.

  • A Fine Bidri Candle Stand Inlaid With Silver, Bidar, Deccan, India, Circa 1700.

  • An Exceptionally Rare And Important Dutch-Colonial Filigree Silver And Silver-Gilt Casket, Probably Batavia (Jakarta), Indonesia, Circa 1700 AD, (Batavian Silver).

    Dutch Colonial Art From Batavia, c. 1700s AD.

  • An Indo-Portuguese Or Batavian Filigree Silver Mounted on Polished Orange Agate Stone Casket, Probably Goa – India, Or Batavia – Dutch East Indies, Circa 17th Century.

    Dutch Colonial Art

  • Sumatran Filigree Silver, Filigree Silver Lidded Round Box With Enamelled Silver Decoration, Padang-West Sumatra And Batavia (Jakarta), Dutch East Indies, Indonesia, Circa 1700.

  • An Indo-Portuguese Pierced & Enamelled Parcel-Gilt Silver Snuff Box, Probably Gujarat or Goa, India, Circa 17th Century.

    Indo-Portuguese Finely Pierced & Enamelled Parcel-Gilt Silver Snuff Box, Probably Gujarat or Goa, India, c. 17th. Century.

  • A Silver Gilt And Enamelled Water-Pipe Base (Huqqa),The Nawab Of Awadh, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, North India, Circa 1775.

  • Lucknow Enamelled Gulabdan, A Rare Silver Parcel-Gilt And Enamelled Rosewater Sprinkler, The Container In The Form Of A Mango Fruit, The Nawab of Awadh, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, North India, Circa 18th Century.

  • Lucknow Enamelled Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Champleve Enamelled And Gilt Silver Betel Nut Box Or Pandan, Beautifully Decorated With Mughal Style Flowers, The Nawab of Awadh, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, North India, Late 18th. Early 19th. Century

    Enamelled And Gilt Silver Betel Nut Box Or Pandan, The Nawab of Awadh, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, North India, Late 18th. Early 19th. Century.

  • Lucknow Enamelled Silver, An Exceptionally Fine And Rare Enamelled And Gilt Silver With Translucent Agate Lid Snuff Box, Beautifully Decorated With Exotic Birds, The Nawab of Awadh, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, North India, Circa 18th Century.

    Enamelled Lucknow Silver

  • Indian silver, A Repousse Gilt Silver Betel Nut Box (Pandan), Probably Hyderabad, Central India and The Deccan, 18th Century.

  • Shirazi Silver, A Magnificent Zoroastrian (Parsi) Style Work Or Achaemenid and Sassanid Revival Large Repousse Silver Footed Basin, Made By The Shirazi Silver Master Mahmoud Shirazi (محمود شيرازي)، Shiraz-Iran Dated 1310 A.H. (1892) A.D.

  • Indian Colonial Silver, An Exceptionally High Quality Complete Hookah (Waterpipe) Set, Made By Lattey Brothers & Co, Calcutta-India, Circa 1842-1855.

  • Hindu Indian Silver, A Monumental Repousse Silver Charger Decorated With Hindu Scenes, Poona (Pune)- Maharashtra, India, Probably Late 19th Century.

    Monumental Repousse Silver Charger Decorated With Hindu Scenes, Poona (Pune)- Maharashtra, India, Late 19th Century.

  • Cingalo-Portuguese Art, A Rare Colonial Singhalese Or Cingalo-Portuguese Carved Coconut Box, Probably Kandy, Ceylon, Circa 17th-18th Century.

  • Mughal Silver, Large Parcel-Gilt Repousse Silver Footed Sugar Bowl With Cover, The Mughal Empire, Probably Bhuj-Kutch, Gujarat India, Circa 1800 AD.

  • Kutch Silver, A Fine Indian Colonial Silver Water Jug, Marked With DH Bhuj, Kutch (Cutch Silver), India, Circa 1890.

  • Mughal Gold, A Magnificent Gold Mughal Huqqa Mouthpiece, North-India and the Mughal Capitals With European Influence, Probably Lucknow, Madras or Kutch, Circa Mid 19th Century, (Indian Gold).

  • A Rare Gold Swami Six-Hinged Medallions Bracelet Depicting Various Hindu Deities on Their Animal Vehicles, Attributed to P. Orr & Sons, Madras, India, Circa 19th Century.

  • Indian Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Enamelled Silver Spittoon (Peekdaan or Thookadaan), Probably The Deccan, Golcanda, Central-India, Circa 18th Century.

  • Antique Indian Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Pierced Open-Work Silver Spittoon (Peekdaan or Thookadaan), Probably Golconda, Central-India, Circa 18th Century.

  • Antique Indian Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Parcel-Gilt Filigree Silver Spittoon (Peekdaan or Thookadaan), Hyderabad or Karimnagar, Deccan Sultanate, India, Circa 1700.

    Deccani Filigree Silver Spittoon, Probably Karimnagar C. 1700s AD.

  • Indian Arms And Armour, A Beautiful and Important Parcel-Gilt Silver And Steel Elephant Head Shaped Axe (Bhuj-Kutti or Mujwali), North West-India And The Rajputs, Circa 18th -19th Century.

  • Indian Silver, A Beautiful & Rare Pratapgarh Parcel Gilt Silver Box Decorated With Plaques of fretted Gold Leaf Overlaid Over Silver Foil And Embedded in Translucent Green Glass Enamel, Rajasthan, India, Early-Mid 19th Century.

  • Indian Silver, A Magnificent & Rare Pratapgarh Gilt Silver Footed Box Decorated With Plaques of fretted Gold Leaf Overlaid Over Silver Foil And Embedded in Translucent Green, Red & Blue Glass Enamel, Rajasthan, India, Mid 19th Century.

  • Islamic Art, A Beautiful & Rare Painted And Lacquered Wooden Quran Stand (Kursi), Kashmir, India, Circa 19th Century.

  • A Very Important Zoroastrian or Parsi Repousse Silver Fire Vessel (Afringanyu) in the shape of a Trophy Cup 19th Century, Iran, made by the Master Mahmoud Al Shirazi.

  • A Pair of Very Fine Silver Gilt Ceremonial Vambraces (Bazubands), Mughal India, the Deccan Late 17th early 18th Century

  • A Large Lacquered Leather Sikh Shield (Dhal), Decorated With Copper-Gilt Bosses & Crescent Probably The Punjab Province Lahore – Pakistan, Circa 18th Century.

    Indian Arms & Armour

  • Indian Arms And Armour, A Fine Indian Steel and Brass Elephant Goad (Ankus), Tanjore, 19th. Century.

  • Mughal Dynasty Parcel-Gilt Silver Tiara or Head Ornament (Taj or Gan-ga-jamni), Lucknow, North India & The Mughal Capitals, Circa 1780

    Mughal Dynasty Parcel-Gilt Silver Tiara or Head Ornament (Taj or Gan-ga-jamni), c.18th. Century.

  • A 19 Century South Indian Pearls & Ruby Inset Gold Fingertip Ring
