Iznik-Style, A Fine Iznik-Style Orientalist Samson Ceramics Underglaze Painted Pottery Jug Decorated With Raised Red Tulips And Blossoming Blue Flowers, France, Late 19th. Century.
An Exceptionally Fine Carlo Bugatti Style Orientalist Ottoman Furniture Comprising A Pair Of Arm Chairs With Mashrabiya Open Woodwork And Dome Shaped Finial With Parcel-Gilt Crescent Decoration, Probably Italy Or France, Circa Late 19th Early 20th Century
French Gold Box, A Beautiful Small Enamelled Gold Pill Box Made For The Ottoman Market, Probably Paris – France, Or Geneva – Switzerland, Second Half of the 19th Century.
Orientalist art, A Pair of Porcelain Perfume Bottles Attributed To Jacob Petit In The Form of a Sultan & Sultana, France 19th. Century.