
  • Iznik Style Underglaze Polychrome Painted Pottery Bottle-Vase, Edme Samson Pottery, Montreuil-Paris-France, The Second half of the 19th. Century.

  • Iznik-Style Polychrome Painted Bottle-Vase by Samson Pottery, France (19th Century)

    Iznik-Style Bottle-Vase by Samson Pottery, c. 19th. Century.

  • Iznik-Style, A Fine Iznik-Style Orientalist Samson Ceramics Underglaze Painted Pottery Jug Decorated With Raised Red Tulips And Blossoming Blue Flowers, France, Late 19th. Century.

  • An Exceptionally Fine Carlo Bugatti Style Orientalist Ottoman Furniture Comprising A Pair Of Arm Chairs With Mashrabiya Open Woodwork And Dome Shaped Finial With Parcel-Gilt Crescent Decoration, Probably Italy Or France, Circa Late 19th Early 20th Century

    Islamic Furniture

  • French Gold Box, A Beautiful Small Enamelled Gold Pill Box Made For The Ottoman Market, Probably Paris – France, Or Geneva – Switzerland, Second Half of the 19th Century.

  • Orientalist art, A Pair of Porcelain Perfume Bottles Attributed To Jacob Petit In The Form of a Sultan & Sultana, France 19th. Century.
