Fourth quarter 2022

  • A Silk & Silver-Thread Brocaded Leather Belt With 14 Compartments For Gunpowder Charges (Barutluk) or (Gazri) (حافظة بارود), The Ottoman Empire, Probably Turkey, Circa 18th. Century.

  • An Ottoman Silver Gun Powder Flask Holder, Commissioned For A Prominent Muslim Individual Beautifully Decorated With Filigree Silver Work With the Stylized Calligraphy Pattern With The Word of Ali, Probably Prizren or Trebizond (Trabzon)-Northeastern-Turkey, Late 18th.-Early 19th. Century.

  • An Ottoman Parcel-Gilt Silver Gun Powder Flask Holder Mounted with Fine Filigree Silver Work Encrusted With Corals & Turquoise Stones, The Balkans, Probably Prizren-Kosovo or Trebizond, Kosovo, Late 18th. – Early 19th.Century.

  • A Close Pair of Parcel-Gilt Silver Rose Water Sprinklers (Gulabdan), Arminian Silversmith Masters Working in the Ottoman Empire, Probably-Turkey, Circa Late 18th.  Early 19th. Century.

    Ottoman Art

  • A Monumental Close pair of Canakkale Ceramic Ewers, Each Jug’s Top is Made in the Form of Stylised Bird Heads, The Ottoman Empire-Canakkale-Turkey, Circa Late 19th Century.

    Canakkale Ceramics

  • Ottoman Silver Mirrors, A Close Pair of Repoussed Silver Mirrors, Beautifully Decorated With The Ottoman Blazon & Floral Designs, Both Marked With the Tugrah & The Zigzag, One with 90, The Period of Sultan MAHMUD II, 1223-1225AH/1808-1839 AD.

  • A Large Repousse Silver Footed Basin, Attributed to The Shirazi Silversmith Master Mahmoud Shirazi (محمود شيرازي), Shiraz-Iran, Circa (1892) A.D.

  • A Pair of Articulated Pierced Brass Peacock shaped Incense Burners, The Qajar Dynasty Isfahan-Iran, Circa 1870-1880 AD.
