Iznik Style Underglaze Polychrome Painted Pottery Bottle-Vase, Edme Samson Pottery, Montreuil-Paris-France, The Second half of the 19th. Century.

Identification Number: 598


This Exquisite large bottle vase is underglaze painted with turquoise, white and black outlines with light green cintamani or Chintamani, the triple-roundel which motifs issuing tulips on cobalt blue ground, the cintamani and tulip motifs were used wildly in Ottoman art mainly in underglaze painted pottery and textiles.


The height is 50 cm.
The width of the oval shaped body is 22 cm.
The dimension of the base is 13 cm diam.


very good, the Samson maker’s mark is clearly visible underneath the bottle’s round base, at one stage the Samson pottery bottle was converted into a lamp therefore the base was pierced and after the removal of the lamp parts the hole had been later restored.


The Western Art Market.


Samson genie de L’imitation (Genius of Imitation), by Florance Stitine, Preface by Tamara Preaud Director of the Archives of the National Manufacture of Sevres, Massin, 2002, ISBN: 2-7072-0424-2. For related Iznik style bottles and makers Mark, please see lots exhibited on page 75-76 & 77 (imitation of 16th. century Iznik- Bottles).

Probably both Cantagalli & Samson Factories were inspired by the original Ottoman Iznik water Bottle pottery pieces which dates back to the 16th. century, for related similar 16th. century Iznik water bottles please see: IZNIK, the Pottery of Ottoman Turkey, Nurhan Atasoy & Julian Raby, edited by Yanni Petspoulos, Alexandria Press London in association with Laurance King, 1989, ISBN:1-85669-054-7, please see lot nos. 728 & 729.

Also, please see the identical sold item at Sotheby’s, London, Arts of the Islamic World & India, 24th. April 2024, lot 210.

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