Indian silver, A Repousse Gilt Silver Betel Nut Box (Pandan), Probably Hyderabad, Central India and The Deccan, 18th Century.

Identification Number: 192


This rare, heavy and very unusual silver betel nut container is of a rectangular form and heavily gilt and is cleverly allover decorated with low relief chased decoration in the form of repeatedly parallel almond or tear drop shaped rows and with reflection of lights, the motifs gives the viewer the impression as if the box is been incrusted with polished diamonds or rock crystal stones.


Also the shape of this very unusual hinged lid is designed in the form of a rectangular shaped offering dish, immerging from the centre eight blooming flowers encrusted with fine polished turquoise stones, the flowers stems are soldered to a ring shaped silver roundel and the ring is been carefully fitted and soldered on the lid’s centre.


The bouquet of flowers is designed in the form of a holder where a betel nut fruit can easily be placed on top, the box’s exterior base is also been engraved.

The Betel nut container has its key and lock.


Excellent, some gilt loss.


The USA Art Market.


For similar examples, please see the Man’s Bedroom Set. The Clive collection, Powis Castle 9L/POW/CLIVE/S/1 [i-xix]).

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