A Silk & Silver-Thread Brocaded Leather Belt With 14 Compartments For Gunpowder Charges (Barutluk) or (Gazri) (حافظة بارود), The Ottoman Empire, Probably Turkey, Circa 18th. Century.

Identification Number: 571


Ottoman Arms & Armour, A Very Rare Fine Silk & Silver-Thread Brocaded Leather Belt With 14 Individual Brass Compartments of Gunpowder Charges (Barutluk) or (Gazri) (حافظة بارود) and One Gunpowder Scoop Measurer Mounted with Repousse Silver Finials Beautifully Decorated with Floral Designs, The Ottoman Empire, Probably the Ottoman Provinces and Turkey, Circa 18th. Century.


The width of the leather belt is 39 cm.

The height of the individual metal containers is 8 cm & 1.5 cm the diam. of the container.


Very Good, The two attached leather bondings of the leather belt are missing.


The European Art Market.


For similar Ottoman leather belt mounted powder tube containers (Barutluk), Please see (USA Collection)
Islamic Weapons Maghreb to Moghul, by Anthony C. Tirri. 2003, ISBN: 0-9647192-7-7. printed in the USA.
Please see figure 97F, the 17th. Century example catalogued on page 145.

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